Queen Kat Designs Angel Policy

We have both original designs, for which we have an exclusive copyright, and designs that are adapted from works in the public domain. For designs adapted from works in the public domain; while the original is copyright free, our adaptations are copyrighted 2006 through the present. Kat’s Stamping & Scrapbooking (dba Queen Kat Designs) is an Angel Company. We want our
stamps to be used and enjoyed. You may use Queen Kat Designs®, stamps to create items for sale as long as the images are stamped BY HAND..

This use has been surpassed when quantities of greater than 50 are produced by hired employees for the purpose of mass marketing. For further details or permission on additional use, please email us at info@katstamps.com. We expressly forbid mechanical or digital reproduction of our images. Mechanically or digitally reproduced use of our images violates our copyright.

Please credit Queen Kat Designs® when submitting artwork made with Queen Kat Designs® acrylic stamps.

If you have any questions, or if you need special permission, please contact the licensor, Vicki Douglas at info@katstamps.com

Please give credit to Queen Kat Designs® and its respective and associated trademark whenever possible. If these terms are not met we reserve the right to refuse selling our products to you or your company. Please be aware that piracy and copyright infringement are federally prosecutable offenses. We reserve the right to legal action.

This policy is subject to change with or without advanced notice. Please be sure to keep apprised of
the current copy. (revised 7/21/08)