Hi MaryAnne
I hope 2016 is a better year for you. Thank you for your hard work, I have made some wonderful friends in real life that I first met through UKS.

I mostly use UKS for the challenges rather than inspiration. I thought the cybercrops that ran in the past were great fun, although I imagine it takes lots of co-ordination. Maybe each house could host a quarterly challenge that runs over a weekend??

As I have to resize and upload photos from my PC I only do so for challenges. If it was possible to upload photos from my phone I would probably share more pages - I don't know if that's the case for others. With people sharing more pages then the opportunity for finding inspiration would be greater and I would probably visit the gallery more. The kit club I belong to does a 'meet me on Monday' feature where subscribers share their favourite pages etc - could you do a member spotlight??