Hello all!

You may know I do some digital designing for fun (not for sale) and one of the things I made this year was a printable Christmas orb you can fold. I promise you, this is a whole lot easier than you may think on first glance.

There is a video showing the process here but basically all you have to do is:

1. print the sheet
2. cut into strips
3. score along the half-moon curves and shape then glue TWO only into a ring

IMPORTANT! UNcrease the curves before inserting one ring into the other then add the final strip as per the video.

Once all three strips are joined you only have to pinch the half-moon sections to collapse them and lock the whole ball in place.

The two PDFs are a single ball and two printed on one sheet. The size is the only difference. If you want to see more you can look at blog posts here and here, where you can also download a "knitted" version (printed knitting not REAL knitting LOL!) The first link also talks about how to add the glittery touches with sticky-backed plastic.


And finally, there is a template and tutorial here but you can also just print the different sizes I add here and use those as templates.


Anyway, have fun with them, and if you make some, share them! I think you could add photos to the half-moons if the people were small enough Just use the half-moons as a template to cut around and stick them on, just like the glittery sample!