I've taken over the spare bedroom, where I've got a (messy) desk and a (messy) double bed to work on. I've cleared wardrobes and under bed drawers to hold stash. A ramsay ladder goes up to the loft from this room, and DH has a massive scalextrics thing going on up there, including rather elaborate homemade dioramas with loads of buildings, people, trees etc. I love working up in this room during the day but do feel a bit guilty being up there in the evening when DH is at home. I like it best when DH is in the loft tinkering with his toys and I'm scrapping in the room below, and the kids are pottering with a few rubber stamps, making cards or up in the loft with their dad scalextricing. It's really quite lovely to have all my family absorbed in something that doesn't have a screen. Every so often DH shouts down the ladder for a metal ruler or some tape, or I'll shout up wanting a hammer to bash some eyelets. Great fun!