Quote Originally Posted by Von View Post
I had a look at the forum after I'd bought the software, it's worth checking it out particularly if you are getting a new Cricut. It appears that upgrading the DS software could cause some difficulties which those of us using the original DS software haven't experienced. It also appears that there are ways around the difficulties, if you are reasonably computer savvy.

I think one of the main reasons for upgrading the Cricut software is to add the newest cartridges. This isn't a problem for me, as all the cartridges I own are already present, however if you are thinking of getting SCAL for use on a new Cricut, or your cartridges are any of the latest released you might want to check out the the SCAL forum first.
Off at a slight tangent, are you saying that some of the new cricut cardtridges are not compatible with earlier versions of the cricut? I bought mine about this time last year, will I have to upgrade its software to use the new releases?