Quote Originally Posted by ellygreen View Post
I am the same as Ruth but i have not commented coz i do not own a cameo and if i did reply about having to now either purchase a ratchet blade or the whole set for my craft robo it would not be positive i am afraid and i would ruin the thread. So sometimes its best to keep your mouth shut as they say lol
Exactly why my £300 is staying in the bank. Take it or leave it seems to be the only options offered now. I still don't see why those 4 pieces of twopenny h'appeny bits of plastic can cost so much, when not even required in most cases. To me, it's like having a puncture in your car and when going to buy a new tyre, the garage forces you to buy the whole car suspension system as well as it's 'Attached to the tyre'.

I'm very happy with my Robo and only wanted a Cameo as it was the new thing to buy, my interest in them has now gone completely so I'll carry on with my old friend until it visits the plotter graveyard in the sky, then and only them will I have a look round to see what's available to replace it, hopefully something with no quality or other known issues.

I'm glad that most of you are happy with Graphtec's response to the complaints, even though they don't seem to solve the problems being muted except to say it's the users fault and not their machines..........