Thanks again to all who've been kind enough to respond on this subject. I don't know about a buffer overrun Zippy1970 as I'm not at all technically gifted when it comes to computers and their add-ons. How do I find out what size my buffer is and also how much SS needs? I'm running Windows 7 but as the prints from other software programmes (Irfanview & Serif PagePlusX2) are perfect surely if it was a printer problem they would be affected too? I usually only print in A5 size.

I spoke to Brian at Graphtec yesterday, not having had any response to the files I sent last week, and he thinks it may be a driver problem but if so why do I occasionally get a perfect first print (usually on scrap paper to ensure that everything is correct!) then only corruptions afterwards? I am now getting around some things by only importing very small images (for decoupage) after printing the main picture from Irfanview but it takes a lot of trial and error getting the size exactly right as SS doesn't import at the same size as the original picture print and even if the measurements look to be correct on the work space the printed image isn't exactly right, I usually have to multiply it by about 1.41%. I have tried to find out what my Drivers are, following Brian's instructions, but the only option is to Add a new driver, I can't find out what the existing one is. I keep meaning to try Rosemary's Hinge method, I can see that it should work but I get distracted by trying everything else first and then run out of time. My Node editing is getting better though and I've had a few small perfect cuts which encourages me to persevere, if only I could solve the print problem I'd be a very happy bunny. Thanks again for all the responses.