It is supposed to be the hottest day of the year, at least around here. 30 degrees! Oh my days!

What are you planning? Hiding inside trying to keep cool and gettin' scrappy?
Setting up a paddling pool in the garden?
Going to the cinema, where hopefully the air con is working?
Standing in the frozen food aisle of the grocery store?

I swear the heat being put out by my Mac raises the temp in my office by about 3 degrees.

How about you? Dh is heading up to Scotland, which is behind the heatwave, but Maddie and I may work on some arty things. I'm considering a little mini-book for her escort. She asked about getting some photos as Maddie is moving on to college so it might be a good idea to get started and she is only in school for one more week!

If I can just settle on a design for the book I might actually manage it......