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  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Embellishing your pages

    Hi Ive been scrapping for a short while and although I can put my pages together fairly well now Im still having trouble with embellishments and wording can anyone give me any tips or ideas please.


  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper stef's Avatar
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    its so hard to give advice as everybody is different. maybe if you just take a look though the gallery and see if that helps

    welcome to uks


  3. #3
    AKA Auntie Betty..... I will alter anything ... except myself!!! bevvie's Avatar
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    Hi Debbie

    I struggled with this for a while .... anmd sometimes I still do .... as I don't wlawyas know where to put some journaling .... so I tend to hide it under photo's now and use hinges...

    You can use the galleries for inspiration thats always good .... I think its also good to just go for it and move things around the page until you get what you want...

    A lot of the major companies have very good stickers with wording and if you stock up on a few general ones you can usually find a use for them as you go along ....

    I don't really have any huge tips as I am still fairly new to all this .... but just keep trying and trying and you will get there ..... I am very very slowly!!! LOL

    Bev xx

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    The advice I was given a few years ago has stayed with me.

    Imagine you are a future generation looking at your books - what would be their questions about a page - who is it? where is it? date and anything else which is obvious to you but wouldn't be for a stranger. Your titles/journalling should help piece together the story of the photo.

    I found journalling very hard to begin with (think it is a drawback of being British!) but the more you do the easier it becomes. Doesn't have to be much and any very personal stuff can be hidden in envelopes, behind pics etc, so that if you don't want it on general view, you still have it as a reminder of years to come.

    If you do a Google search for The Rule of Thirds or the Golden Ratio this will help explain to you the placing any embellishments so that they follow the pattern which the eye automatically takes (even though you don't realize it).

    After that it is your personal choice of what embellishments you choose to use. I love flowers but hate bottle tops - don't mind them in other peoples pages but not my own! I also like little strips attached by ribbon or eyelets for names and dates.

    I have quite a number of unfinished pages in my albums - I just go with the flow - if it doesn't look right - one day I find the right embelly and in it goes!



  5. #5
    AKA Scrapgoddess Alyssa and SweetpeaNut mummygina's Avatar
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    Firstly,welcome to UKS. I tend to hide alot of my journalling as I like it not to be visible to all, especially if its a lo of my hubby and my dd. I like to keep them special for them to see only! In my journalling i tend to write a bit about when and, where the photo was taken. I also write a few words about any memories the photo evokes. With embellies i too used to have alot of problems with these when i first started. Alot of my current lo's have embellies like buttons, bottle tops and ribbons attached, as well as the occassional quote or word. I too would advise browsing thru the galleries. you'll get loads of ideas. Best of luck
    Started WW Online Friday 11/01/08- 11st 10lbs.
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