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  1. #16
    love my Robo tulip457's Avatar
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    Great idea,lovely to read everyone's stories. My name is Lidy, I'm 52, married and have two children. The eldest, 18, is about to leave home the other one is 16. I'm on this forum when you are all asleep as I live in New Zealand. I'm originally from New Zealand but grew up in Holland, lived in England for 20 years and have now been back home for 7 years. We have a wonderful life style, live out in the country in a very large house (I have my own craft room) and I have plenty of time for gardening and crafting. I have been making things ever since I can remember; cross stitch, sewing, paper crafts etc.

    I got my robo a few weeks ago and can't imagine my life without it anymore, I absolutely love it. Can't easily get hold of stuff here so love being able to make all my own embelishments and titles for card making and scrapbooking.

  2. #17
    Dedicated Scrapper mgibbs's Avatar
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    Looks like I'm the 1st bloke to post here

    I'm Mark 46 3/4 and living in Lincolnshire.

    I'm not a crafter, I work with computers, networks etc.

    I'm starting a small business sideline so that's how I found the robo. I discovered this site while researching into the robo.

    I'll not be much use helping with craft type problems but am willing to give any help I can regarding computer related problems and queries.


  3. #18
    I'm sure i could use that for something..... frogzone's Avatar
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    Don't stray too far Mark, when you say computer related are you talking software or hardware ?
    either way I think you may find your inundated... because its always the computers fault !

  4. #19
    Dedicated Scrapper mgibbs's Avatar
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    Hardware and software. PCs, networks, wireless etc.
    Software is mainly Windows and Microsoft Products though.
    I'm starting to get to grips with Corel X3 (migrating from Paintshop).

    Inundate away - I'll do my best


  5. #20
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    Great idea.
    My name is Joycelyn, witchy to my friends. I am 56 this year, I have 2 sons and a partner off 17 years,1 grandson called Cooper who will be 2 in July.
    I have been making and selling cards for at least 12 years.
    Started scrappin when grandson was born, mainly because my daughter-in-law wanted a record of everything (new mum) and didnt have the time herself. We live in South Wales but all our friends family live in Bolton Lancashire we only get to see them a couple of times a year, living near the sea sort of makes up for it.
    I don't go out to work, card making is a big part of my life. I love my Robo although i still use the more traditional methods, 12 years is a long time to get out of old habits lol. I make all my own embellishments.
    This forum is fantastic everyone is so friendly and helpful.
    If anyone wants any help regarding card making/selling issues just shout, (not too loud though lol)after 12 years there is nothing i havent come up against.

    witchy xxxx

  6. #21
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    Hi, I'm Susan, aged 46 (hope my youngest doesn't read this as he thinks I'm only 23). I live near Bedford and am married with three children aged 15, 13 and 8. I have too many jobs and don't know how I'm going to find the time to learn about my brand new Robo which arrived yesterday and is still nameless, sexless and still in it's box. (It's hidden in the dining room 'cause I haven't actually owned up to buying it yet!).

    I work two days a week as an IT Technician at two schools and two days as Assessment Officer at another local school. I also run a little online greeting card company CardsAtYourFingertips (hope I'm not breaking any rules by mentioning this) which specialises in producing personalised cards and hope that the Robo will help me produce some new and exciting cards and accessories (when I pluck up the courage to take it out the box).

    I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you on this very friendly forum.


  7. #22
    Dedicated Scrapper dawnywol's Avatar
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    My name is Dawn, I'm 33 (had to think about that) married with a 5 year old DD and 2 moggies. Have been crafting for as long as I can remember - I worked for INCASTAMP when I was at university before they were bought out. I live in Horsham in West Sussex and I work full time as a Head of Mathematics in a secondary school. I love to craft on a Friday after school with my daughter..... and whenever else I have time. (She loves craft too - which can get expensive! )I can't crochet and my knitting is fairly horrendous but I can turn my hand to most other things (I made my own wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses!) and I wish H2os had been around when I was crafting 14 years ago! I love computers and my Robo (still nameless) was a treat at the start of the Easter Holidays. I'm working on my MA so it was a bribe - an hour on MA dissertation equals 1 hour on craft........ seems fair to me....... (but I think I may have cheated a little on the craft!!!) The first thing that Robo cut - was a set of 5 dancing ballerinas for DD to play with. She now also has a t-shirt with her name in Welded words on the back too!!

  8. #23
    Life Juggler ! Sue Nic's Avatar
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    Hi, Great idea.
    I am 48, well nearly 49 , and have loved arty stuff for as long as I can remember. In the 60’s I played with origami, the 70’s I made my own clothes, in the 80’s I started embroidery, the 90’s I tried sponging and stencilling on walls and the rest as they say followed.
    Live with a very supportive DH Ian who is my rock in my crazy upside down world. We have two children, DS 14 and DD 12 who grew up crafting and now like nothing better than to go in to a shop and actually buy a card!!
    Have done many jobs but my career was working in IT software development for a large bank. Absolutely loved it but after my children were born my health deteriorated so I became a SAHM. I came across rubber stamping by accident and my card making/scrapbooking took off from there.
    I have made cards to sell at fund raisers, worked in a small craft shop and taken workshops for a number of other shops including HobbyCraft. I have written for several magazines including two for children. I have also written two crafting books. I continue with my magazine projects, take a few workshops locally, make cards to sell locally and undertake some work for Graphtec on a self employed basis. Not sure at this point whether I will undertake to write a third book.
    I literally jumped for joy when I first saw the Craft ROBO. I have tried to mix the traditional with new technology for many years but was met with much resistance. At long last we are on our way!
    I have rheumatoid arthritis which is a complete pain and this year may finally bite the bullet and have the knuckles in my right hand replaced with plastic ones…….ouch. I am still debating this though…….after four years! Now just to find something to alleviate the tiredness…..or is that an age thing!
    I was told about this forum by Ray. It is a smashing place and I am really pleased that I joined.
    Oh and I love the blue rolling head's quite often how I feel!!

    Oh blast I think I have written way too much!
    Last edited by Sue Nic; 14-04-2007 at 03:43 PM.
    Daily Blogging and Loving It !!

  9. #24
    Happy Scrapper Lindyloulou's Avatar
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    My name is Lynne and I'm 54 a born and bred essex girl. Have been married for 34 years and have two kids 24 and 26. I work part time on the customer service desk in my local supermarket.
    I have always enjoyed crafts, as well as scrapbooking and card making I knit and sew and enjoy working with computers which is why I enjoyed learning how to use my robo. My husband is tolerant of my messy and expensive hobbies and did not say a word when I caught him watching the craft robo demo on create and craft yesterday and he saw how much it cost. LOL.


  10. #25
    Dedicated Scrapper robhirsch's Avatar
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    Ok - I am Robin from Suffolk, VA. in the US. I found you all by surfing for GSD files and boy did you all help! I never heard of craftrobo so when Qk came out with the silhouette I jumped at the chance since I had been waiting so long for a product to use my many computer fonts.
    I am a 46 year old scrapbooker. I have been married to Bill nearly 26 years (April 25th). I have 2 children, Rachele - 22,a senior in Old Dominion University & William, 19 - a freshman @ Ga tech with a baseball scholarship. I also have a beautiful grandson - Mason who is almost 16mos. I work at the local high school in the special education dept. I also desinged and maintain the school's website. I have scrapbooked for 12 years. I have never really gotten into making cards.
    I just want to say thank you for all the great ideas you have bestowed upon me.

  11. #26
    Dedicated Scrapper Photo queen's Avatar
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    Hello everyone, nice to know a little more about the folk behind the names!
    I'm Ruth, 52, living in Caerphilly. I married Peter in 1975 and we have 2 grown up children, one is an occupational psychologist and the other a jazz drummer. As Peter does lighting and sound for various drama associations in his spare time its a household full of bits of interesting equipment! I have been crafting and selling since I was a child. I work full time and mainly make cards these days and sell them in work whenever possible. Thanks to all of you who donate templates - I love the robo and try to make a few templates when I can. I have had numerous operations and have just started back to work after a spinal fusion (there goes my time watching crafts on TV and catching up with the making) but I'd really like something more creative than administration as a job. Anyone in this area, I'd love to get together sometime. None of my friends are into arts and crafts so I'm a solitary maker. No craft room but the dining room is full of my papers and stamps though all organised after a fashion. Always happy to share ideas and have a laugh!

    Ruth x

  12. #27

    Getting to Know You.......

    Hi I'm Janet married to Noel for almost 44 years, a daughter of 43 and and a son almost 39 and four grandchildren who all live a few hundred yards from me. I'm a retired wages clerk and my husband works just one day a week now in the local suprmarket which means my crafting has been cut dramatically since he's been home lol.

    I used to crochet and knit and own an embroidery machine which is not getting used much at the moment. Been making cards for a couple of years now and made my first two scrapbbooks last March for my twin grandaughter's 18th birthday's and now need to update them. One has since passed her driving test and started university doing a nursing degree and the other one is training to de a dental nurse and has started driving lessons again so I'm hoping to do a layout saying that she has passed her driving test lol. The two grandsons 14 and 17 will be next so I'll have to start looking for boy embellishments soon.

    My hubby bought me my craft robo about November after I had been dithering about whether I would use it enough as I only make cards for friends and family. Now he gets to hog the tele remote ALL THE TIME but keeps appearing in the spare bedroom where I use my computer and robo 'cos I think he's feeling lonely and neglected hee hee.

    I visited this forum before buying my robo as I read about it on another forum and started visiting every day since I bought my robo.

    Nice to get to know everyone and glad this thread was started.


  13. #28
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    well my name is Lisa--I live in the US near Chicago--I have had a wishblade machine for over a year now but use the CR software to design--I am sooo happy that I found a way to weld letters in CR!! so much easier then any other software! I have lurked around here for months looking at the GSD files--hoping to find more soccer related items then I already have--LOL--I am married to Doug for 18 years and have 4 kids 16,14,12, and almost 10--Our family spends lots of time playing and watching soccer ( okay I just watch!)--anyhow I love this site and the variety of files--thanks to everyone for sharing!!-- oh and currently I am a kindergarten aide at a local school.

  14. #29
    Addicted to Papercrafting ....... Clare33's Avatar
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    I'm Clare, 34, married for 11 years with 2 lovely kiddywinks, Ellie (10) and Sam (7) Moved to Kent from Surrey just over a year ago, best thing we ever did... I work p/t in the local Registry Office, means I still have time for a bit of cardmaking when I'm not running around after the kids.

    I'm mainly into cardmaking, although I have done some scrapbooking, mainly of our holiday to Florida 3 years ago. I collect bits and pieces from holidays and days out, and I will put them together into some pages one day when I get a chance. In the meantime I can make do with looking at everyone else's great layouts in the gallery on this forum!

    I've had my robo over a year now, I'm lucky my DH was happy to let me buy him, he even bought me a new laptop for Christmas when my old one died so I could carry on crafting

    Well, it's nice to read about everyone else and their lives, eveyone I've come across on this forum has been friendly and helpful when I've needed help.

  15. #30
    stash addict sandraellen's Avatar
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    Great idea,I'm Sandra,married 40 yrs to Roger,a very understanding man when it comes to the time I spend doing cards and scrapbooking.Both retired 10 yrs ago at fifty,have one daughter and 1 lovely grandaughter who is 5 going on 25. I was lucky enough to win my cr about 18 months ago but only in the last few months have I really started to use it and am still learning what it can do!!
    Accept that some days your the pigeon and some days your the statue !!!!

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