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  1. #1
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    Question for PHILK! from a MEGA lurker !!

    Hi Phil

    I'm maybe being (do those 2 go together?) a little ambitious here but I'll ask anyway!

    Initially (about 6 months ago) I had my mind set on a Craft Robo, then of course you delve (google/forum) more and you (I) think, why? a Pro can do so much more!

    Well this week I've got to order a cutter (gotta few bob back from the bank) and I'm now onto the CE5000-60!!

    Does it have the same learning curve as the 2 little guys -

    i.e. the same starter software, for me to begin with? I know it can do so much more but what I really want to know is that it can do everything that
    the folks on here can do to begin with - does it have the same basic software that the craft robo has?

    p.s. I don't know if it's allowed but if you've (not u Phil) had ANY bank charges in the last 6 years then you must recleaim them - will cost you £10 - just got nearly £4000 back! Go to and BELIEVE.....sorry if my p.s is not allowed here.

  2. #2
    The Orignal Robo Rebel NikiB's Avatar
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    why Smurf Land of course!
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    Quote Originally Posted by GLESGA

    p.s. I don't know if it's allowed but if you've (not u Phil) had ANY bank charges in the last 6 years then you must recleaim them - will cost you £10 - just got nearly £4000 back! Go to and BELIEVE.....sorry if my p.s is not allowed here.
    Big thread in our community section of the forum regarding this with tons of info. Lots of UKS members have claimed back money over the last few months
    Ramblings of a Robo Rebel

    Forever Memories For You for all you Robo needs

    [/FONT]3, That's the magic number. Yes it is, It's the magic number .

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper dozyrosy's Avatar
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    You're way out of our league with this big commercial cutter, so you'd probably be best phoning the technical people at Graphtec in the morning for information rather than waiting here for a reply when Phil pops in....


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozyrosy
    You're way out of our league with this big commercial cutter,
    Can u substantiate that

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scrapper dozyrosy's Avatar
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    Well - the CR and Pro are marketed as craft cutting machines, and most people here buy them for hobby use, though there are some people on the forum who do use theirs for small business purposes. The bigger Graphtec cutters are commercial vinyl cutting / sign writing machines, if you look at their descriptions on their website. So for what most of us use our Robos for, one of those machines would be rather like using a steamroller to crack a nut!


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dozyrosy
    . The bigger Graphtec cutters are commercial vinyl cutting / sign writing machines, if you look at their descriptions on their website.


    Did u read what I posted?

  7. #7
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Yes I feel she did and she replied - you asked about the sort of software, problems, learning curve etc. You are really comparing two completely different aspects- from looking at the machine and for what it's supposed to do this should have industry level software - something the Pro and CR do not have. They have basic CAD type programs which are more or less sufficient for what the machines were intended to do; the learning curve depends from person to person. If you have a basic knowledge of computers and graphics programs you have fewer problems than a person who knows very little about their computer - imagine adding a computer run plotter which requires certain types of images to cut.
    We, or at least most of us, get there in the end.
    I do think though that for a speedy and specific reply maybe you'd be better phoning Graphtec and asking them.

  8. #8
    Dedicated Scrapper mgibbs's Avatar
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    I believe the CE5000-60 comes with "Magicut" software and drivers for Windows 98-XP (not sure about Vista).


  9. #9
    Graphtec GB
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    Hi Glesga

    The CE5000-60 is from the same family as the Craft Robo Pro and will cut everything that the Pro does and the software is the same.

    It cuts up to 600mm wide by 50m long. It also comes with a floor stand, so think carefully about space, it is quite a big machine.

    Just another point, as it wasn't designed for the Craft market is doesn't come with a carrier sheet, you would have to buy one of them seperately.

    Dont forget as well, there is VAT on top of the price.

    I hope this helps


  10. #10
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    ha ha

    Quote Originally Posted by philk
    Hi Glesga

    The CE5000-60 is from the same family as the Craft Robo Pro and will cut everything that the Pro does and the software is the same.

    It cuts up to 600mm wide by 50m long. It also comes with a floor stand, so think carefully about space, it is quite a big machine.

    Just another point, as it wasn't designed for the Craft market is doesn't come with a carrier sheet, you would have to buy one of them seperately.

    Dont forget as well, there is VAT on top of the price.

    I hope this helps


    Thanks for the reply Phil - CE5000-60 it is


  11. #11
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    just thought i would offer you my opinion!

    Having never used a ROBO before i purchased the Pro.

    I am qualified in graphic design and computer aided design so quite competent on a computer!

    And i wished i had brought the little robo first, kept the money in the bank for the pro and learnt what i needed to on the little one.

    The bigger machines have a lot more settings and it is a lot bigger learning curve in my opinion. also bear in mind not many (if any) people have machines bigger than the pro so you may find the support side of things not as good as if you had the smaller machine

  12. #12
    Dedicated Scrapper mgibbs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mgibbs
    I believe the CE5000-60 comes with "Magicut" software and drivers for Windows 98-XP (not sure about Vista).

    Sorry about that - the Magicut software is supplied when you buy from a particular supplier.

  13. #13
    Dedicated Scrapper dozyrosy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CraftFairy
    And i wished i had brought the little robo first, kept the money in the bank for the pro and learnt what i needed to on the little one.

    The bigger machines have a lot more settings and it is a lot bigger learning curve in my opinion.
    I had to buy the little Robo, although I knew I wanted a bigger machine, because the Pro was only a twinkle in graphtec's eye when I got it; I did have a brief look at the bigger machines, but decided they were overkill for what I thought I needed. But I agree, the little Robo is a very useful learning tool, and since the design software was almost identical, I didn't feel nearly so daunted when I finally bought my Pro.

    Quote Originally Posted by CraftFairy
    also bear in mind not many (if any) people have machines bigger than the pro so you may find the support side of things not as good as if you had the smaller machine
    I've not ever come across anyone on this forum till now who has (or was considering!) anything from the Graphtec range that is bigger than the Pro, and then in comparison to the numbers who have the little Robo even we are few and far between. But I have come across other forums which I think were for the professional sign and vinyl cutting people so there's presumably support out there somewhere...

    Anyway good luck with your monster!


  14. #14
    Dedicated Scrapper mgibbs's Avatar
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    The best place to be for the bigger machines is probably

    I'm mainly doing vinyl on my robo and while I would sometimes like to have a bigger machine (tonight for example, doing some signage for a transit van) the price difference is quite large and the Craft Robo can still handle all but the larger signs albeit in 1m sections

    If I do decide to get a bigger machine I'd probably go for the CE5000 (or similar) because of what I use it for. I'd still use the Robo for Flex though as it is ideal for that.

    The Craft Robo is a great machine for the price. Also from what I've seen so far Graphtec support is second to none


  15. #15
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    oh no

    Quote Originally Posted by mgibbs
    The best place to be for the bigger machines is probably

    I'm mainly doing vinyl on my robo and while I would sometimes like to have a bigger machine (tonight for example, doing some signage for a transit van) the price difference is quite large and the Craft Robo can still handle all but the larger signs albeit in 1m sections

    If I do decide to get a bigger machine I'd probably go for the CE5000 (or similar) because of what I use it for. I'd still use the Robo for Flex though as it is ideal for that.

    The Craft Robo is a great machine for the price. Also from what I've seen so far Graphtec support is second to none


    Your stalking me - lol

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