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  1. #46
    Dedicated Scrapper Hysteri-CAL's Avatar
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    Thats perfect Maryanne.

  2. #47
    Hooked on Pop-up Cards ErikaP's Avatar
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    Thank you everyone for your messages of support.

    As I said, the first CD was bad, but the new one is beyond belief. It has over 1200 GSD files on it. A lot of the file names still contain the name of the creator.

    There are files downloaded very recently. My word snowflakes are on there, they were only posted on UKS at the beginning of November. As was the oriental trellis, which is also on the CD.

    It looks as though this member has just downloaded the whole template section and put it on a CD.

    I have removed my templates from UKS, as have other members. Until we find a way of dealing with this problem, UKS is going to be very short of new templates.


  3. #48
    Dedicated Scrapper tillyann's Avatar
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    i agree with everyone, the parasite should be named and shamed, its obvious they havent got concience, mine wouldnt let me sell others work and i only make cards for me to give, thankyou all for your hard work its such a shame there are people like that around they deserve to be named.

  4. #49
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    I feel exactly the same as everyone else. This state of affairs is diabolicle. (sp). All I can suggest is that maybe privately set up your own cds and just charge for the media and postage??? Would this be allowed on the forum? I believe that is what I did when I purchased a tutorial cd from here when I first got my robo. I for one would not mind paying for the designs also but realise that this is difficult unless you sell them on the famous auction site.
    I will miss all the free templates from all the wonderful and talented people on this forum as I am hopeless at designing things and frankly haven't the time to spare to seriously have a go.
    I hope legal action towards these low lifes is successful and that something can be done to stop all this copyright infringement.
    I was amazed to see that it had happened yet again!!!!


  5. #50
    Dedicated Scrapper Jue Jue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaryAnne View Post
    I have been given info on the person in question. I've banned her from the site and sent an email:

  6. #51
    Scrappy Carder
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    I am heartbroken that the wonderful generosity of people on this site has been so badly abused. I have only ever downloaded a few of the templates to use for my own personal cards, but mostly I have enjoyed just looking at and admiring everyone's work. I fully understand that people will not want to share templates now, but please would you all continue to add photos of cards or even just thumbnails of your work so the less talented of us can be inspired to try some more adventurous cutouts of our own?

  7. #52
    Dedicated Scrapper Loopylass's Avatar
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    I can't believe this has happened again! It's such a shame that the actions of a few nasty people can spoil such a wonderful site. I've been on the forum for a few months now in preparation for getting my robo (which arrives next week) and I was really looking forward to being able to use some of the amazing things people have shared on here. I think you're totally right taking them off, but I am going to go and sit in a corner and cry now .

    I really hope these horrid people get some sort of come back - they deserve it for affecting so many people - creators and users - by their actions.

  8. #53
    Dedicated Scrapper Jue Jue's Avatar
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    We should all write in to the site there selling on tell them whats going on and get them banned

  9. #54
    Dedicated Scrapper Hysteri-CAL's Avatar
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    To be honest ... the only reason I was considering buying a Robo was because of UKS. I know that I could get help near enough every second of the day ... the templates were available until I mastered the art of creating them myself ....... which if I'm very honest, I wouldn't have done because I am a true technophobe when it comes to things like that - I can literally chop and save in PSP and thats it !!! So this forum would have been my main stay.

    I really am reconsidering buying one now ... and think it will have to be the Cricut instead.

  10. #55
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I'm totally shocked to read this thread and learn about the thievery and fraud which has taken place so soon after the last event - so sorry Erika and all of you who have had your lovely designs pinched and so sorry that we all lose out because of some unscrupulous scum who thought they could benefit from other people's hard work and talent. They do say "what goes around comes around" and I fervently hope this person gets their comeuppance.

    I have only ever posted 2 simple templates but I was so pleased to have created them (it was a long and painful process - a bit like giving birth really!) but I was so happy to share them in case anyone could make use of them. All this nasty business really takes the shine off things doesn't it.

  11. #56
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    I have just read all the posts and cannot believe it has happened again. I too am hopeless at making my own templates and have loved all the brilliant templates posted on the site. It will be a terrible pity to loose all the talented designers but I can totally understand that they do not want there beautiful work ending up on cd's or auction sites. It is terrible that a few low life people have to spoil it for everyone. I haven't been a member of this site for all that long but when I joined everyone was helpful. I have noticed that a lot of people who used to post on the site and answer questions don't any more, but I can understand why. I only hope that something can be done somehow to protect the files posted on here and hope that the talented people on UKS still carry on helping those of us who are not so talented. We cannot let the low life win.

  12. #57
    Dedicated Scrapper moonbeamcottage's Avatar
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    I can't believe this has happened again. I am completely artistically inept so I have used several templates to make stunning cards and have been so grateful that they were available for me to use freely. However I can totally understand the feelings of the artists who want to remove their templates, it must be so galling to have your generosity abused in such a way over and over again. I am cross that you have been treated so shabbily and I am cross that because of these thieves I will lose such a wonderful resource MaryAnne your communication with this person was perfect - I hope they are prosecuted. They are no better than shop lifters or muggers.

  13. #58
    Dedicated Scrapper Hysteri-CAL's Avatar
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    Could the template section not be password protected ... and only given to legitimate 'trusted' UKS members ??

    I suppose someone would then have to pay sponsorship on the forum then ?

    Maybe a couple of people could get together and pay for sponsorship, and then charge a minimal fee for the templates ?

  14. #59
    Dedicated Scrapper sammy37's Avatar
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    Such a shame that a wonderful site like uks has been blighted by these people. I think a lot of people will think twice about buying a robo now, after all this site is such a fantastic resource for newbies. I only have a few templates on here and nowhere near as good as the main designers.

    I confess i have been checking through the templates to save any that i really like, with designer details so i can thank them if i use the template.

    Maybe a download limit could be set on members, so that they can only use so many a month. Not a techno so don't know it thats possible. Just an idea to prevent these unscrupulous persons taking advantage.

    Thank you to everyone who has shared in the past.


  15. #60
    The Orignal Robo Rebel NikiB's Avatar
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    why Smurf Land of course!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hysteri-CAL View Post
    Could the template section not be password protected ... and only given to legitimate 'trusted' UKS members ??

    I suppose someone would then have to pay sponsorship on the forum then ?

    Maybe a couple of people could get together and pay for sponsorship, and then charge a minimal fee for the templates ?

    This section of the forum is already sponsered by Graphtec, and it is being looked into about people being able to advertise just here in the Robo section for a small sponsership fee so they can advertise their site/ebay name

    MaryAnne is great and is really trying to help come up with a solution that will suit all - guess it helps that she is a Robo owner herself

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