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  1. #61
    Dedicated Scrapper jackiestuart's Avatar
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    I have just read with disgust what has happened and can't believe we have yet another money orientated vulture who has set out to distroy the camaraderie of the generous and talented people of UKS.
    The only answer is to prosecute the perpetrator and to ensure they are named and shamed.
    Erika I am truly sorry that this has happened and for the distress it has caused you. I have used some of your designs in family cards as I know you are aware, and feel that not having your designs will be a great loss to everyone on UKS.
    I feel very saddened that such a wonderful site like UKS has been abused in this way and hope that we will be able to ensure that this despicable crime never happens again, but am I being too optimistic!!!

  2. #62
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    I am appaulled that this has happen again and totally agree with what my sister (bleakhouse) has said. I have put a couple of tenplates on the site but they weren't up to the standards of Etui and others. I like many others on this site rely on the tallented people who put templates on the site, my Robo would be redundant without them. Something must be done to stop this happening again.

  3. #63
    Dedicated Crafter lucylogic's Avatar
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    Once again we have been invaded by another low life who thinks she can take what others have given so freely. I am really sorry that files have been taken after all the hard work has been put into making them. The enjoyment that we get from making and sharing them is a pride in our achievements and that can't be taken away. The enjoyment is soured though when someone takes our work for profit. That is not on at all.

    Whoever has done this must be named and shamed and even the auction site must be told and this person banned from there also.

    Although I don't contribute much in the way of templates here, I do make card templates to sell but they are all my own work so therefore sell my own stuff, but they are not GSDs. No way would I contemplate coming here and participating in the Chat section and stealing work from the Template section, my conscience would not allow it.

    I hope that a solution can be found whereby some templates can still be uploaded but protected, but I'm not sure how this can be done. The people I feel really sorry for are the new Robo owners. Their enthusiasm must be nurtured to get the same pleasure as we do from using our Robo's and we must continue to support them.

    You know there is an old saying "What goes around, comes around" and by God that is true!!

  4. #64
    picked on by some but never beaten :) Mr Gentleflower's Avatar
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    I can confirm that indeed the offender has been banned from UKS....and anyone else thinking of doing the same be warned I will track you down... If anyone has a suspect CD or DVD please contact me, or Gentleflower.


  5. #65
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    THIS IS AWFUL!!! I am in the midst of preparing some designs for publication. There is more than enough work to do already to ensure the proofs are ready early next year. Now I will have to expend precious time and brain-power (already over-stretched) into thinking up anti-theft devices. I am very cross about this,

    I am very cross about the loss of the beautiful templates given to us freely,

    I am very cross about the loss of future templates,

    but most of all

    I am very cross about the distress caused to the victims of these scum-bags.

    ANYTHING you think I can do to assist the exposure and prosecution of these thieves I will will do - just ask me and whatever is within my power I SHALL DO.

  6. #66
    Scrapping Paddy Carroll's Avatar
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    why do people insist on spoiling it for everyone who uses the files as they were meant to be used. I think they should be named and banned from uk scrappers.

    I'm sorry this has happened to great people who are willing to share their hard work with us.

  7. #67
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    So sorry for you talented designers that this has happened again. i have never uploaded any of my files on uks because i have been a victim of file theft in the past and that was to someone i personally sent the file to, a few days later my design was on auction site not the file but the actual cut out. I am always willing to help and advise which is the best way forward help more people to design there own and if they want something special then sorry but you should pay for the template. We will never stop this from happening but we can make it harder, and i cannot stress enough, Robo owners who think they cannot do their own, YES YOU CAN, if i can anyone can, and the feeeling when you succeed is almost as good as sex, almost LOL


  8. #68
    Dedicated Scrapper cherrybabs2005's Avatar
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    Oh No....
    This is a shame as your templates and designs are brilliant and gives me inspiration to try and work a design out for myself...

    I hope whoever is selling these cd's are flippin ashamed of themselves and spoiling what was a good for sharing forum....

    I for one Erika will still be looking on your web site for new templates,just a shame that you wont be sharing anymore because of one individual....
    Love & Hugs

  9. #69
    just don't call me The Boss MaryAnne's Avatar
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    For those of you who are interested in protecting your work, this link may prove helpful. It's an interesting read in any case.

    This is the link to the UK-specific info

    I'm not sure if this translates easily to the CR templates. This bit seems the most appropriate:

    Can I apply a Creative Commons license to an offline work?

    Yes. For offline works, you should identify which Creative Commons license you wish to apply to your work and then mark your work either: (a) with a statement such as “This work is licensed under the Creative Commons [insert description] License. To view a copy of this license, visit [insert url]; or, (b) send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.” or insert the applicable license buttons with the same statement and URL link.

    The only difference between applying a Creative Commons license to an offline work and applying it to an online work is that offline works will not include the metadata and, consequently, will not be identified via Creative Commons-customized search engines.
    I am looking to see if it is possible to make the CR template section password protected, requiring people to apply for the password and to return an electronic form acknowledging the permitted uses of any downloads before being given access - which at least offers another layer of explaination and makes it that much harder for them to claim they had no idea what they were doing was wrong.

  10. #70
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    I agree with everyone else - name and shame.
    Its such a pity what's happened, I have learned such a lot from all you talented people out there.
    Best wishes to you all

  11. #71
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Did I see a thread on here after the first cd was found that contained files from uks people, that said something about a list of safe sellers?? I have been looking on the auction site and there are loads of templates being sold and it is impossible to identify genuine people.


  12. #72
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    i can not belive that some one would copy templates for their own profit when the designs dont belong to them . i have been very grateful since joining to use templates for family cards , ive only submited one template as im not very good at designing but ive been very grateful to all you clever people who submit their templates, the offenders should be named and shamed .

  13. #73
    The Orignal Robo Rebel NikiB's Avatar
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    why Smurf Land of course!
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    Sue have a look in my profile (click on my Robo Rebel icon under my name to get there) for my website with the list of people that I have added so far of Trusted Sellers

  14. #74
    picked on by some but never beaten :) Mr Gentleflower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sueuk52 View Post
    Did I see a thread on here after the first cd was found that contained files from uks people, that said something about a list of safe sellers?? I have been looking on the auction site and there are loads of templates being sold and it is impossible to identify genuine people.

    The thread was "well well well legal action will be taken"

    Usually these low lifes do not display any designs just a picture of the cover of the cd, although of course genuine sellers may not also supply pictures of whats inside the cd.

    NikiB has a listing of trusted sellers in ebay


  15. #75
    Dedicated Scrapper sugarplum's Avatar
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    I am just finished reading this thread and just want to add my feelings of disgust toward those that have abused the genourosity of people that have suplied templates on UKS. There is no way that I woud be able to produce such wonderful templates and it has been so helpful to be able to allowed to downlaod those offered for my own use. That someone would abuse this for profit beggars belief.
    I think a password protected area(only avaialble after a predetermined time as a member) for templates is a great idea and also like the thought that one would have to sign up to certain terms to use this.

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