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  1. #46
    Dedicated Scrapper PaperTree's Avatar
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    Dear Phil

    Like most of the ladies above I use RoboMaster more often because what you see is what you get cut, but I like the capabilities of DesignMaster it has more to offer but is more complicated to learn to use you need to remember so much, what you see is not always what gets cut, so I have not put as much effort into it as I might.

    I would like the layers option to be operational though and if possible a merg so the layers collapsed down into one layer and unmerge to separate them again, I can see that would be an advantage in making 3D objects or blocking off things in colours for paper piecing or to print on different papers, or decoupage to line them up stacked so you can see that your cutting is accurate, or making Mandalas. I agree that there seem to be things that appear to be in the package but just don't seem to work, layers for one, and I am left wondering if it is my inexperience in the knowledge of the package (have I missed it in the instructions, is the manual detailed enough) or if I have not downloaded the package properly or if it simply dose not work for some reason - if it does not work for some reason, it would be nice to have a warning message, "to activate this you need the full package from signlab", then at least we know not to waste time in trying to find out how it works. If the option is not available to use would you please remove it from the pick list as it just confuses the learning and therefore the enjoyment of using the machine, I tend to think if it is there it must be me that is wrong otherwise why would it be there.

    Thanks for listening

  2. #47
    Diehard UKScrapper sandymcc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by anne l View Post
    how about a multi colour cut setting allowing you to be able to queue your cuts so once one colour has been cut you can change the card if needed then just press cut again to do the second third cut etc without having to keep going in to tick untick the required colours but still allowing you to cut more than one colour at a time if required
    Anne, when you go to the Cut Preview window, click on the 5th icon from the right. It's called Filter by Color and I'm pretty sure it will do exactly what you want. Give it a try and let me know if you have any problems with it. I cover this starting at the bottom of page 24 in the DM User Manual.

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by SylviaF View Post
    I agree with Shirley and Kaja about the export facility - it drives me nuts trying to convert gra to gsd. To be able to export to Robomaster would be great.

    I think it would also be good to have the "fit object to path" facility which is not presently available in DM.

    The burning question of course is what is it going to cost us??

    Converting a Gra is not a problem for me as I print to PDF, convert it to a DXF and load it in Robomaster. Save as GSD and ready.

    I secon the fit to object/text to path tool and I also wish the autotrace throug the middle of a line instead of the double line tracing.

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaperTree View Post
    Dear Phil

    I would like the layers option to be operational though and if possible a merg so the layers collapsed down into one layer and unmerge to separate them again, I can see that would be an advantage in making 3D objects or blocking off things in colours for paper piecing or to print on different papers, or decoupage to line them up stacked so you can see that your cutting is accurate, or making Mandalas. I agree that there seem to be things that appear to be in the package but just don't seem to work, layers for one, and I am left wondering if it is my inexperience in the knowledge of the package (have I missed it in the instructions, is the manual detailed enough) or if I have not downloaded the package properly or if it simply dose not work for some reason - if it does not work for some reason, it would be nice to have a warning message, "to activate this you need the full package from signlab", then at least we know not to waste time in trying to find out how it works. If the option is not available to use would you please remove it from the pick list as it just confuses the learning and therefore the enjoyment of using the machine, I tend to think if it is there it must be me that is wrong otherwise why would it be there.

    Thanks for listening
    Well I found I can use the layers. images do not transport automaticly, but I can copy and paste an image to another Layer. I don't know how it works in KNK Studio or Studio GE, but it workes for me.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by meadelie View Post
    Converting a Gra is not a problem for me as I print to PDF, convert it to a DXF and load it in Robomaster. Save as GSD and ready.

    I second the fit to object/text to path tool and I also wish the autotrace throug the middle of a line instead of the double line tracing.

    It is possible to fit welded text to a limited number of line transformations but I agree that one does not always want to have to weld the letters together. For anyone that wants to try it look at page 29 points 4.5(5) and 4.6 in the DM Manual. I have attached a screenshot of what can be done in one of them.

    Fit object to path is currently available on DM, I use it regularly.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #51
    Diehard UKScrapper sandymcc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meadelie View Post
    Well I found I can use the layers. images do not transport automaticly, but I can copy and paste an image to another Layer. I don't know how it works in KNK Studio or Studio GE, but it workes for me.
    After seeing the earlier post, I enlisted a few of the DM owners to start playing with the Layers function and it does appear to work. It's just a bit weird.

    I'll go start a new thread on this and explain it in detail.

  7. #52
    Dedicated Scrapper PaperTree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meadelie View Post
    Well I found I can use the layers. images do not transport automatically, but I can copy and paste an image to another Layer. I don't know how it works in KNK Studio or Studio GE, but it workers for me.
    Dear Meadelie, this is very interesting. This is just the sort of thing that I was trying to explain. I have layers on my Design Master, I can see them as a tool bar if I go to View > Palettes > and tick the "Show Sheet Layer Palette", however using them is a totally different thing all together.

    In the tool bar there are three dots in a box ... clicking on that icon gives a pick list of options I can save a layer and it gives me a menu on the Graphtech Design Master Web folder on my C: drive, so I name the layer but it doesn't change in the document. I would expect the layer to change its name in the document now that it has been saved, other packages that use layers do. It offers me two options according to whether I "save as" it offers *.shl or "Save Current Layer" offers me *.cdl neither of which populate the page that I am working on, and when I try to load a new layer on the page that I'm working on, I get a warning sign "No object must exist to load a sheet layer palette", this is also unusual for any other layer program I have used. I have looked for a tutorial on layers but found non. I know the principal of layers from using them in other packages. The DesignMaster for my Craft Robo does not seem to behave like other packages where layers are concern and here you say that you have no problems?

    Is there a chance that you might offer me the method in 1), 2), 3) fashion so that I can at least see what I am doing wrong? If this thread is not the appropriate place would you start a new one and direct me to it or send me a PM? I would be most grateful, as I thought that it was a feature that only came with the more expensive programme from Signlab, I just thought that if Phil was upgrading, he might turn on the switch so that it works for us non professionals.

  8. #53
    Dedicated Scrapper PaperTree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandymcc View Post
    I'll go start a new thread on this and explain it in detail.
    Dear Sandy that is great. Your post crossed with mine. I will keep an eye out for the explanation.

    Thank you so much.

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by meadelie View Post
    Converting a Gra is not a problem for me as I print to PDF, convert it to a DXF and load it in Robomaster. Save as GSD and ready.

    I secon the fit to object/text to path tool and I also wish the autotrace throug the middle of a line instead of the double line tracing.
    Hi Meadelie

    I'm sorry I don't understand what you are saying here about the conversion of Gra to GSD - could you explain more fully please?

    Also I now realise that you can fit object to path - I had meant to say text to path.

    Sylvia x

  10. #55
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    I would like the option to export as either DXF, EPS etc., as I sell my designs and sometimes get asked for another format. One of the above mentioned would be more versatile.


    Quote Originally Posted by philk View Post
    Hi All

    We are currently at the early stages of thinking about an new version of Designmaster. I would be very interested to hear what new features people would like including, and indeed, what you would like leaving out.

    I can't promise that we could include all of the suggestions, but I can assure you that all ideas will be carefully considered and included if possible.

    I am looking forward to hearing your ideas


    Graphtec GB

  11. #56
    Dedicated Scrapper Loopylass's Avatar
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    I agree with lots of the things that have already been mentioned:

    1. Ability to export into .GSD - I must admit I've not shared any templates recently because it takes a long time to convert them.

    2. Ability to open and work with .GSD in DM.

    3. Text to a freeform line would be great.

    4. A line like the red line in RM showing the cutting area and cutting more of the A4 sheet.

    5. The ginsu knife tool I've seen Sandy talking about in KNK studio would be wonderful.

    6. Some way of retaining the settings so opening a template by someone else who uses different settings doesn't send all your own pages haywire - it either converts to your own settings or only applies to that file.

    I think it's great that you're asking general users what they want. I know it'll probably not be possible to do everything we ask for (cos we are a demanding lot ) , but the fact you want to find out is wonderful.

  12. #57
    Minna Myra's Avatar
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    New Designmaster Software

    How to explain this?

    When I click on the Text button in DM and click in the sign blank for the Text options to show in the smart bar, if I want to change the size of the text I would like it if the selections boxes stayed in place instead of disappearing when I try to alter the size. I have tried altering the size of the letters by pulling on the corner box but it would be better to be able to do it with the spinner in the point size box.

  13. #58
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    Just to cut thicker card would be brilliant

  14. #59
    Diehard UKScrapper sandymcc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myra View Post
    How to explain this?

    When I click on the Text button in DM and click in the sign blank for the Text options to show in the smart bar, if I want to change the size of the text I would like it if the selections boxes stayed in place instead of disappearing when I try to alter the size. I have tried altering the size of the letters by pulling on the corner box but it would be better to be able to do it with the spinner in the point size box.
    Myra, after you've started typing your text, you can drag your mouse over it at any time to shade it gray, and then in your text Smart Bar, change the height of the text by clicking on the spinner to the right of the name of the font. See if this helps. If you really want to drag the corner, you can do that and then reenter the text window by just double clicking on your title.

  15. #60
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    I dont have DM but would like unlimited un-do's

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