ooooooh i really really want a craft room. i am confined to the 'under the stairs' cupboard.

budget is a massive factor. if you can run to one the shelving units from ikea (i think i saw wilkinsons do one too) are great and files, boxes etc go well on them.

i was on a very small budget and bought a few plastic trolleys for my 'cupboard - oh how i wish it were the one to narnia!) and a few sets of filing drawers where i now keep my paper/card for printing. i have the wheeled drawers organised into inking, stamping, tools, dies, ribbons, buttons and it goes on. i also bought quite a bit of the stationary in wilkinsons - ring binders, mini drawer sets, magazine holders. they have some lush ranges in these that look nice.

i like my little drawer sets as i can manouver them easily and even bring them into the room i'm crafting in, i vary depending on how i feel, dining room, kitchen or lounge lol. i can even pull out the drawers and bring them to the table i'm at. i'd love something bigger and better but for now i have to make do (until ds turns 18 and i can have his play room!)