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Thread: Baby Girl Album

  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper InspireSpirit's Avatar
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    Baby Girl Album

    I am literally about to start making an album as a gift for a special friend. It is for a baby girl (she is now 18months) and I have photos from her birth up until today.
    I don't know, at the moment, whether to do 12 x 12 or A4 (I am literally starting tomorrow).
    If anyone has any layouts they can link me to, I would be very grateful. Also any ideas on papers, embellies etc.
    Plus I want to buy an album for this project, as opposed to making the covers etc. so if anyone knows where I can buy a beautiful baby album from, this might give me the incentive to decide on size. (It is going to be a wedding gift, so I want it to be really special).

    Having 2 boys, I am not really au fait with baby girl papers. I am thinking something like Once upon a springtime, graphic 45, but not really sure it is 'baby' enough.

    All ideas will be gratefully received.

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  2. #2
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Hi there - it must be the weekend for it! I'm expecting my first baby in 3 months and am going to start this weekend creating some page layouts so that I just have to slot the photos in a the relevant time! For some reason, I don't think I'm going to have as much free time once the baby arrives.... ;o)

    I don't know what I'm having yet, so my pages are going to be unisex rather than pink or blue, but I have done plenty of browsing of supplies and will be using a mix of supplies from the Ducks in a Row range by October Afternoon and the HG Baby collection by Heidi Swapp. There are a couple of albums that I like by Crafty Blitz, but I haven't made a decision on that yet - I'll just use a spare album to store the pages until I get something.

    If I knew I was having a girl though, I would probably get one of the Little House album kits by K&Co as that includes a beautiful album that you can put a picture in and the name of the baby on the cover. It comes with papers and some embellishments but there's always room for more if you want like ribbons and a bit of sparkle! I saw the kit on the Craftz Boutique website. I also saw some nice albums on the Kalulu website.

    Good luck and I look forward to seeing your work! Your friend is very lucky to be getting such a personal and precious gift - she'll love it!


  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper uropachild's Avatar
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    I did almost one page per month for my DD ad it was the first scrapbooking i ever did. I did them all 12x12. If i can find some photos on photobucket i will post them, but like i said, they were my first ever attempts!!

    sorry for all the photos!!
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  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    is there any baby challenges about anywhere?

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scrapper gwyneth 123's Avatar
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    There's a few in my gallery Sally, my little grandaughter is now 7 month old.There's some more on my blog but you'd have to trawl through the rest of the grandchildren
    I bought a 12 x 12 pink American Craft Album from Sarah's Cards to put Sophie's in. You can get a lot more pages in a D ring Album.
    I've just bought some My Minds Eye Lost & Found 2 again from Sarah's to make some more pages and it's beautiful. Suitable for baby baby photos and for toddlers. Both the blush & breeze would be suitable IMO


  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper InspireSpirit's Avatar
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    Thank you very much everyone. Beautiful layouts. I am now filled with lots of inspiration and cannot wait to get started. I'll post on here when it is done.

    My blog:

    Lucky Dip CJ
    Strictly Vintage CJ

  7. #7
    Cats rule in our house JanC's Avatar
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    I'm watching this thread with interest, my first granddaughter arrived on Friday and I will be doing an album for her, as I did for her big brother. For him I did one page a month for the first year then after that did a page about every three months recording events, Christmas, birthday, having fun in the paddling pool, etc. He still has pages in my family album, but I didn't want his one to get too big too quick.
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