Thanks for the much welcome hugs ladies. Hubby and I are crashed out on the sofa this afternoon and you'll love this, he is so exhausted he even watched QVC crafting with me - that's completely unheard of. Dad was shouting "Nurse, nurse" all night and now hubby and I shout "nurse" when we call each other. We've developed a very sick sense of humour but sometimes it's all that keeps you going. Dad is recovering today and we will try him at home again hopefully. He's 93 and has come through so much he deserves every chance of finishing his life at home as mum did.

As for the comments, the cards have all been so fantastic they cried out to be complimented. It's a bit of normality in our world of madness and I know lots of you are going through some very tough times too, Like Barb losing her mum round the time we lost our mum last year.

I should be crafting but I'm off to crash again and get some much missed sleep but I'll keep checking back to see what you are all up to.