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Thread: 'statue' hunts

  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    'statue' hunts

    Not a very good title but I'm talking about the trails of elephant statues round London or lions etc that were in some towns.

    Northampton did a 'Pride of Northampton' with a lion trail around town. We went and found all the lions (there were 40) and I would like to do a project with the photos. I am thinking an album but not sure what size. I have at least one photo of each line and some, I've got detail shots as well

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    Crohn's and Colitis UK supporter Brummie40's Avatar
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    I know exactly what you mean! The kids & I did the rhino trial in Chester one year - it was ace! The photos were very colourful because of all the art on the statues & so the pages didn't need much work. I think I did about 3 or 4 12x12 pages to record the fun.

    I like your idea of an album - perhaps a mini one as the pages will be great to look at in the here and now, so a smaller album may get looked at more?
    kit swap

  3. #3
    Hev, not a complete lunatic, but getting there! Mystery Woman's Avatar
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    I saw most of the elephants in London, a couple of years ago, and I ended up doingan 8 x 8" mini album, as I had so many photos!
    I did do it digitally, but it would still work with paper. Think there may still be some of the pages in my gallery.

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  4. #4
    Procrastinating Scrapper... Weaselwise's Avatar
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    I was lucky enough to be in Warsaw in Sept 2005 as their 'Cow Parade' was ending and managed to get several shots (missed the bionic cow on top of the tran shelter tho grrr)... I used them in the Kings Cross class from the Monopoly CC here

    I'd found some black and white patterned paper which reminded me of a cow hide, so used that as the background - maybe you could do something similar for the lions?

    And how about making a word book with the letters L I O N S - but with additional thick acetate pages in between the letters so you can get more photos in?
    ...Weasel AKA Suzie...
    Wise Weasel Witterings ... Eagles may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scrapper kittykatz3's Avatar
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    First time I have heard of this, looks like either we missed it or it just didn't happen...sounds like it was fun

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Thanks for the replies

    Hev - love your elephant photos and LOs. I like the plainer coloured backgrounds when theres a lot of photos so I might go for that idea. It's hard when the Lions are all so different and some are very bright.

    Suzie - love your photos and LO too

    I think I want to use 6x4 photos mainly so I'm wondering about going for an 8x8 with 2 lions to a page mainly with some favourites getting a page to themseves. May need extra page protectors

    This year they are doing a safari round town ( a mixture of gorillas, lions, rhinos, elephants and I think giraffes). I went and had a look today as they were put out yesterday and the men from the council were already fencing one as it has been damaged - in less than 24 hrs they said!! It's such a shame


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