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Thread: fountain pen

  1. #1
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    fountain pen

    I write a lot in fountain pen, would this be acid free for writing journaling on pages

    many thanks

  2. #2
    a.k.a. Gadget Woman Petra's Avatar
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    I think you'd need to find out specifically what the properties are for the type of ink you plan to use, as they are not all created equally. While some inks can undoubtedly stand the test of time (I have a bunch of manuscripts from the 1800s which are still absolutely fine ,although the writing is an indecipherable scrawl for the most part and the pages very "aged" in appearance) some of the more modern, washable inks, such as Quink washable blue, may not be so durable. Sorry, that's not exactly answering the question as the stuff I have doesn't contain any photos, but it's something else to bear in mind.
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  3. #3
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Thank you for your reply, I too have some very old papers that's why I was thinking it would be ok, but maybe like you said the modern ink is no good

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scrapper Fifi-T's Avatar
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    I use a caran d'ache ink in my fountain pens and it is archival so I assume ok, the one I presume would be ok would be registrars ink, but I'm not 100% sure.

    I have to say I don't really care about the acid free thing myself, all of my photos have a digital copy and I really don't give care about my scrapbooks being perfect when I'm 100, I suppose the risk might not be worth it if you care, rambling now...

  5. #5
    Procrastinating Scrapper... Weaselwise's Avatar
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    I wonder if you could use Distress Ink re-inker ink in a fountain pen? or maybe Distress Stains? Would prolly work better with a dip pen cos it's not going inside the pen to possibly gunk it up, but if you were to rinse the pen well after each session then that should be ok?

    Oooh, I so want to go home and dig out my calligraphy set now - I bought that calligraphy part-work from WHSmiths a while back and there are dip pens and loads of nibs in it, I want to try this out myself!
    ...Weasel AKA Suzie...
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