Oh minimum7676, I do so agree with you! I have sold a few hundred cards over the years but I reckoned they cost me about £100 each if I took into account my expenditure over those years! However, it is really my hobby and what gets me out of bed each day (apart from my dogs). I'm the sort of person who should never have taken up papercrafting, given that I am both a shopaholic and a hoarder (not to extremes though) but on the rare occasions that I am satisfied with a card I've made it gives me a real buzz and when I'm feeling guilty about how much I've spent over the last 7 years I remind myself that I no longer go on holiday, rarely eat out and don't smoke or drink (apart from the occasional glass of wine). Am suffering from a creative block at the moment so started reading the Card Making thread hoping to find inspiration. I keep accounts so know exactly how much I've spent which I break down into Capital and Consumables. The hardest part for me is trying to calculate the ink costs as I do a lot of trial and error and never remember to keep track of how many pages 1 cartridge will print. At the end of the day I think market forces rule, a card is worth what someone will pay for it.