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  1. #31
    Dedicated Scrapper Chris55's Avatar
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    First I'd like to thank you Mary Anne for all the hard work you've put into keeping UKS going for all these years. So sorry to hear that you've been ill and hope you're well on the way to recovery.
    I'm disappointed to read that so many people prefer to chat on Facebook. Our group decided against it as our allegiance is with UKS. We're a very chatty supportive group of friends, not just ladies who scrap and I'd be very sorry to lose them from my life.
    My vote is a big NO to Facebook.

  2. #32
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    I am not primarily a scrapper but I come on here at least once a day and try to join in any crafty chat. I am not on FB or Twitter because I spend enough time on the 'net as it is! A forum is only as good as the people who use it and whilst this used to be a very busy place it has become a lot quieter. I find the same thing has happened on another forum I use as well so it isn't just a UK Scrappers problem. I don't know what the answer is but I know it would be a shame if this forum fell by the wayside.
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  3. #33
    Chocolate - here today... gone today! mmmbisto's Avatar
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    Hugs to you MaryAnne, it's been a while since I was an active member but have many fond memories of the cyber crops and such that we had and as a result have quite a few members as my FB friends.
    I have every intention of getting back into crafting and scrapping this year come spring when, in our new home, our utility room will house my craft nook
    I'm not 100% sure how much I would use the forums to be honest though, I do come here as a reference and to see what sponsors are selling what and if they have what I'm looking for - I purchased a planner over a year ago and have been into that lately.

    It would be sad to see it go but as I have not been active much it would be partly my fault for not participating more. But thank you MaryAnne for your work and for bringing me some long time friends into my life it's actually so nice to see some of the names I remember too

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  4. #34
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    So sorry that you've had such a bad time Mary Anne, hope 2016 brings better things for you.

    I LOVE UKS and would hate to see it move to Facebook. Here I can find what I want, and look back on old challenges, etc. I would have no idea how to find things on Facebook, it's ok for updates but as someone said , I only look at recent posts on there, and very rarely contribute
    we have had some fabulous challenges and inspiration on here, and thank you to all those who have contributed. I do think we all need to try chatting more in the threads, more than just 'here's my LO' . I think it is a case of Use it or Lose it and I for one don't want to lose it.
    Green buttons have had weekend mini cyber crops in the past, maybe each house could organise one every few months for everyone, they always seem to encourage activity.

    I find the challenges and points system a great incentive to get on and do something, but I'm sure it doesn't suit everyone. People are also very welcome to join in the challenges without being in a team, it's not compulsory

    Mary Anne, I am happy to help any way I can. I am not technical so couldn't help on that side but I am happy to help with challenges etc.

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  5. #35
    Dedicated Scrapper alison 2's Avatar
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    Yay, it's great to see so many people chatting again on here, not just on this thread. I do hope it continues x

    SNAP 2022 BTCR 2022

  6. #36
    Maker of Stuff Efemera's Avatar
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    I don't post much.. In fact hardly at all since the introduction of the social groups, especially as I asked to join one and was refused... However I do visit several times a day and I like to see what's new and would miss it if it was to disappear. I have actually done 3 layouts in the past 2 weeks!

  7. #37
    Dedicated Scrapper
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    Hi Mary Anne,
    So glad to hear things are improving for you, I hope they continue to do so.
    I would hate it if UKS were to go, I come on usually a couple of times a day to have a nose around. And I am most definitely wanting to sponsor again (was wondering when the email would come LOL!)

  8. #38
    Chatty papercrafter elainevking's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more Alison. So good to see more people chatting!
    I can only echo the sentiments of many that say they don't want UKS to disappear or change. I love it here and contribute every day..both on my team thread and the house thread as well as challenges, swaps, cjs get out of it what you put in. If no one bothers to come on it is inevitable that it will dwindle. I am on FB and enjoy that too..I think that if Challenges were shared each week to FB we would get lots more interest..the same as this thread has had. If people prefer FB there is no reason they cannot follow the link to contribute to to UKS by following the link. It just needs someone to post the links when it is relevant onto the UKS thread on FB...maybe the person that starts the thread can share it on FB too?
    I should just say that if everyone wants to move everything to FB..there will soon be no forums, no blogs etc..just FB? Is that REALLY what you all want?
    I am, also, bemused by some comments saying that people don't want others reading their posts..does this mean they have something to hide? If they don't want some people to read what they put, maybe they should consider whether they should be posting things they wouldn't want others to read?
    I really appreciate the efforts that you put in MA and all the others that contribute. Please keep up the good work and continue whilst also embracing the social media side of things too to aid with the 'moving of the times' that some have referred to. I hope your health continues to improve.
    Last edited by elainevking; 04-01-2016 at 09:56 PM.

  9. #39
    Evil Mean Bunnies worst nightmare jemm's Avatar
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    Hi MaryAnne. Sorry to hear of your health issues...... I am another who has been AWOL.... Haven't scrapped in forever but decided I would start again this year and only reappeared on the site today. I too hope that UKS stays as it is (well when I have reaquainted myself with how it all works now) I don't think it would be the same on facebook.
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  10. #40
    Archie and Jenson Sav's Avatar
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    Mary Anne so sorry to hear that you have been having a bad time I hope 2016 will be better for you and your family. Thank you so much for all that you do on here.

    I too would miss UK scrappers I have made such good team friends here and there is always advice and help on any of the forums when needed and there is always plenty of inspiration.
    Val x

  11. #41
    Joie de Scrap magsellis's Avatar
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    Wishing you strong health for 2016!

    I visit UKS every day and post in various conversations several times a week. I am part of different swaps and CJs and I look to UKS challenges every week, which I do most of the weeks. UKS is part of my creative life, Scrapbooking and photo and mixed media as well as some card making. It has expanded my creative horizon and I have made new friends , so I don't want it to go!
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  12. #42
    Ever so slightly dizzy irboo's Avatar
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    I'd like to start by sending you my very best wishes MaryAnne, and ,I hope 2016 will be a good Year for you and yours xx.
    I came to UKS a complete novice and found a place of like minded people who were so willing to share so much. I joined a team made some lovely friends,went away on my own to a Scrapping week-end, where on one class I actually sat next to you; and you were so kind and generous to me a newbie,THANKYOUxx ,but,sadly things don't ever stay the same. I still do pop on here for a look, I am no longer part of a team, I "scrap" in a different way now, s'pose we are, as crafters,: always looking for new things? I personally wouldn't join in on FB, if UKS does come to the end I would be sad,but,I would be always SO grateful for the immense pleasure and knowledge it brought to me........oh and as a big P.S. it's lovely to see some of the peeps on this thread,and think about some of the amazing swaps that I was a part of,and, how I treasure all that amazing art work I have in my possession XXX

  13. #43
    Dedicated Scrapper Xmasbaby's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear of your poor health Mary Anne - so pleased to hear that you are recovering.

    I really would like UKS to continue - it has bought me friends and crafting challenges including, cardmaking, CJs, scrapbooking, AJs and altered art - all under one umbrella. For lots of people it means lots of things and I agree with Alison - you only get out of something what you are prepared to invest. I think you can guess where I am going with this - I would like UKS to stay of possible - I would be happy to help out in any way you think viable. Take care xx
    Host - 2023 Christmas Stocking Swap

  14. #44
    You're never too old to try something new ;) TinkerHamilton's Avatar
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    Thank you MaryAnne for all your hard work.

    I've been a member of UKS for several years now and have made some very good friends, all of whom I would miss. For the last five years I've organised the Green Buttons Retreat and through this we have strengthened our friendships and continued to contribute to the community by way of challenges and points collecting.

    I have to admit to being sorry when polls on the house challenges disappeared a couple of years ago as I always felt a bit of healthy competition between the houses was a good thing. I for one never minded setting up the poll each month. As teams stop chatting and dwindle I do fear for the future of UKS but I for one would not like to see it move to FB. I try to visit each of the social groups I'm part of on a daily basis and I always use the challenges for inspiration. Yes, it can be a fag resizing photos to upload but I personally would rather do that than share them on FB. My UKS life is totally separate to my social media life, most of my SM friends wouldn't "get" the whole scrapping thing.

    I would happily donate or subscribe to keep UKS as it is and would offer any help in keeping it going that is required.

    One other thought, although I still scrap I do a lot of other craft too.... Art journalling, zentangling, altering etc and I feel anything other than pure scrapbooking is always perceived to be a poor relative. Maybe other (paper) crafts could receive a warmer welcome to encourage the community back?

    Member of the Scrappycats

  15. #45
    Senior nutcase Mother Duck's Avatar
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    hope 2016 is better for you MA. UKS was a life saver for me over the years and I appreciate all your hard work. I guess facebook has sort of taken us over but most of my friends from UKS are now friends on facebook so I guess that says something. Hope UKS keeps going.Can't believe how long ago I joined. Good luck and good health for the future
    Bad things happen if good people do nothing.

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